Blogs Every Marketer at a Digital Marketing Agency Should Follow

Staying updated on what's going on with the marketing industry is important for any business, even more so when it comes to digital and social media marketing. Whether you're a part of a small business or a large one, an ongoing flow of creative ideas is essential to keep the business going and growing. You have to keep up with trends and let the creativity show while being innovative in a way that improves the customer experience. With so much competition out there, everything may seem like a tough nut to crack. This is where the experience of other people helps. The path they chose, the difficulties they faced, the way they handled their hurdles, and how they could've done better, all this information is going to illuminate your path to a certain level of success. Here are 7 marketing blogs every digital marketing agency , especially those serving small businesses should be following: 1. Adland It’s a visual blog featuring a variety of ads on a huge number of different...