Blogs Every Marketer at a Digital Marketing Agency Should Follow

Staying updated on what's going on with the marketing industry is important for any business, even more so when it comes to digital and social media marketing. Whether you're a part of a small business or a large one, an ongoing flow of creative ideas is essential to keep the business going and growing. You have to keep up with trends and let the creativity show while being innovative in a way that improves the customer experience. With so much competition out there, everything may seem like a tough nut to crack.

This is where the experience of other people helps. The path they chose, the difficulties they faced, the way they handled their hurdles, and how they could've done better, all this information is going to illuminate your path to a certain level of success. 

Here are 7 marketing blogs every digital marketing agency, especially those serving small businesses should be following:

1. Adland 

It’s a visual blog featuring a variety of ads on a huge number of different media: television, print, radio, social media, and the stories behind them. If you’re trying to take a peek into what other brands and agencies are doing. Adland has an impactful collection of ads from the past as well as what appears to be an archive of every Super Bowl commercial ever made. 

2. Gary Vaynerchuk 

This blog is a collection of his mind's inner corners, the nuances of negotiating, like how to use Snapchat, popular new apps, the importance of logos, strategies for selling real estate, the value of emotional intelligence and everything in between. It's a web of his views on social media innovations, news and technology, and the nuts and bolts of marketing and entrepreneurship. 

3. Kissmetrics 

This right here is like the through and through guide of digital marketing campaigns, it gives you smart information and an insanely detailed and varying downloadable catalogue of infographics. The blog covers all things that would hit your mind—and how the information moulds the aspects of marketing—like, A/B testing, traffic, and lead generation, customer loyalty programs, omnichannel marketing, etc. 

4. AquGen Technologies 

AquGen Technologies is one of the top digital marketing agency in India. They offer a blog called ‘’Learn with Aqugen’’ which provides everything related to content and digital marketing and offers real-world solutions to all kinds of marketing challenges. It keeps readers abreast of emerging trends, latest strategies, insights & tools that are a must for every digital marketer in the industry. 

5. The Inspiration Room 

Experiencing a block in creative ideas? Here's your go-to inspiration blog! specializing in advertising, design, and film industries. It offers short-length content of intriguing advertising across all types of media. Articles are based on submissions by agencies, production houses, photographers, sound and music companies, and PR firms. 

6. Quicksprout 

This is author Neil Patel’s blog. His posts are about all aspects of branding, small business marketing and digital marketing generally. Those posts often contain links to research (that shore up his points) and discuss a wide variety of marketing news and topics.   

7. Inside AdWords 

Sure, maybe this seems obvious but sometimes we don’t see what's right in front of us. So keeping up with their latest news, user tips and general information on better ways to make use of the tool is important. Each blog post is like a mini-tutorial on different  aspects of Adwords, like remarketing lists for search ads or their Customer Match feature.

Essentially, you’re what you read and who you follow. If you read frequent blogs that inspire you to do your best work and impact your world, then these 7 marketing blogs aren’t just the best, but they will keep you engaged all year long, and prepare you for what lies ahead. Constantly reading new posts on these blogs will keep you updated on the latest happenings in the marketing industry, and help you build a thriving business.


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